Apostle Bruce C. Lester, Sr., a man anointed by God to preach and minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to dying men and women everywhere.
He was saved and healed of a cancerous growth at the age of 16 years old. After yielding and accepting the call to the ministry God called Apostle Lester to serve faithfully under the leadership of the late Pastor Thea F. Jones of the Met Church in Philadelphia for ten years. Being an obedient servant and son, God began to take Apostle Lester’s father into another dimension in the body of Christ and God anointed Evangelist Lester to serve and evangelize with his father the late Reverend Henry C. Lester Sr. Apostle Lester became a very integral part of that ministry and he served and labored in ministry with his father until his demise.
With twenty years of Evangelizing and serving, God ordered Apostle Lester to serve as an Elder under the Pastoral leadership of the late Mother Irene A. Oakley where God began to further execute His plan and purpose for him. God used Pastor Irene A. Oakley to instruct and prepare Elder Lester for the Pastorate.
After fifteen years of service and with the blessing of his pastor through much prayer and fasting Apostle Lester embraced the call God placed in his heart to officially pioneer a church in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area where, Voice of Hope Deliverance Church Inc., has been officially located since April, 1991.
For the past 47 years Apostle Lester has fathered and mentored many Officers in the five-fold ministry and has successfully launched them in ministry. He has apostolically pioneered an evangelistically worked in the City of Philadelphia, at the First District Plaza for the past seven years. He is known and respected as a man of high integrity, prayer and consecration with a godly conviction for holiness. On May 2, 2009, in obedience to God Apostle Lester accepted the call of God upon his life publicly before the body of Christ as: The Apostle of Prayer and Consecration. Apostle Lester prays that in his latter years God will get the glory out of his life and ministry. Apostle Lester has helped to establish churches; he has birthed sons and daughters in ministry and is yet building the body of Christ for the glory of God. Apostle Lester humbly walks, occupies and operates in the office of an Apostle. Apostle Lester is an anointed dynamic preacher, administrator and builder, who has been chosen and commissioned by God. He is a man that leads with integrity, is sealed with the Holy Spirit and is predestined to succeed.